A smile is the best thing you can wear

Smile & Express Your Joy

Cosmetic Dentists in Queen Anne

Your smile says a lot about you, and at Seattle Dental Co., we can help you make a good first impression with your pearly whites. No matter what imperfections are keeping you from a confident grin, we offer a wide range of cosmetic services to enhance your smile. We use the best materials along with modern techniques and advanced technology to improve the shape, color, and overall appearance of your smile.

Dr. Song and Dr. Guerrero at Seattle Dental Co.


Teeth Whitening

A simple whitening can spruce up your smile and rejuvenate your appearance. Our professional-grade whitening solutions react with the molecules that hold stains on your enamel and treatment results in pearly whites that are dramatically brighter. Whether you want to look your best for an upcoming event or you just want to add some pep to your step, our professional whitening will do the trick!

Enhance Your Smile

Dental Bonding

Cosmetic treatment with dental bonding is similar to a sculptor using clay. The procedure involves the application of a perfectly color-matched dental resin to your tooth. Once this tooth-colored resin is applied, we will sculpt the material into the perfect size and shape. The resin covers up minor chips and gaps, as well as minor discoloration to give you a fresh, new look.

Business cards at Seattle Dental Co.

Cover Up Imperfections


Veneers are small, thin pieces of porcelain that are designed to fit perfectly over the front of your teeth. Veneers can cover up almost every cosmetic imperfection and provide you with a beautiful, white, natural-looking smile. From major gaps and fractures, severe stains, and even slightly crooked teeth, veneers can improve a number of cosmetic issues to enhance your smile. We work carefully with you to identify your cosmetic concerns to be able to design the smile that you’ve been dreaming of.

Youthful Radiance


Whether you need Botox injections to help control TMJ pain and clenching, or you’re just interested in eliminating wrinkles and rejuvenating your skin, your Botox will be administered by an expert dentist who understands facial structure and muscles. You can trust us to deliver safe, professional care with Botox and give you natural-looking results.

love your smile

Cosmetic Care